Hospitality Study at the Cornell University
See all FAQs 1. How are Kwok Hospitality Award recipients selected? 2. What costs does a Kwok Hospitality Award cover? 3. What does a Kwok Hospitality Award allowance cover? 4. Am I allowed to accept awards in conjunction with a Kwok Hospitality Award? 5. What should I consider when enrolling hospitality related courses at Cornell University? 6. If I fail to enroll a course, what should I do? 7. Who covers the cost of attending the interview? 8. What documents do I need to take with me to my interview? 9. What is the dress code of the interview? 10. What should I expect of the interview? 11. What questions will I be asked at the interview? 12. If my interview is conducted through Skype, will I be disadvantaged? 13. Who pays for my accommodation? 14. The school is unable to allocate me accommodation, can you help?
Related links:
Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration Undergraduate Application Requirement
Scholarship Description:
Eligibility Criteria:
To be considered for a Kwok Hospitality Award, an applicant must:
Application Procedure:
- Established by the Kwok Scholars Association (founded by Dr. Walter Kwok), the Kwok Hospitality Awards will provide funding for up to two exceptional students each academic year from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management ("SHTM") of Hong Kong Polytechnic University ("PolyU") to study at the Nolan School of Hotel Administration ("SHA") of Cornell University for one semester.

Scholarship Description:
- Tenable for one semester of the undergraduate programme at SHA;
- Covers university tuition fees, accommodation, meal plan, health insurance and travelling expenses;
- Awards will be allocated based on academic merit, financial need and commitment to the hospitality industry.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be considered for a Kwok Hospitality Award, an applicant must:
- be a Chinese Hong Kong permanent resident;
- be a current second year full-time undergraduate student of SHTM of PolyU enrolled in the BSc (Hons) in Hotel Management or BSc (Hons) in Tourism Management. Award recipients will be in their third year of study when he or she undertakes the visit at SHA of Cornell University;
- have exceptional academic results;
- have met the English proficiency requirement set by Cornell University; and
- have potential to be offered a place to study hospitality-related courses at SHA of Cornell University.
Application Procedure:
- Eligible candidates should submit applications for the Kwok Hospitality Awards with SHTM of PolyU;
- Short-listed applicants will undergo an interview process;
- The selected Kwok Hospitality Award recipient must apply to SHA and be successful in gaining a place to study the undergraduate hospitality courses for a semester.
Application Deadline:
As stipulated by SHTM of PolyU.
Please note that the application is administered by PolyU. Application forms will not be available in the Association’s website.