[please limit your answers to each question to 30 words]
I understand that the provision of all personal information requested in this form is obligatory and failure to provide such information and the required documents may affect the processing and outcome of the application. I understand and agree that the information and documents I provided form the legal basis of my application for a Kwok Scholarship and Kwok Scholars Association Limited ("the Association") reserves the right to withdraw funding in the event of any misrepresentation by me.
I certify that all information provided in this application (including my supporting documents) is true, accurate, complete and current to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I have completed all parts of this application myself and am the sole author of my statement of purpose. I understand that the Association may take steps to verify any information provided and I will notify the Association promptly if any information that I have provided should change, so that it continues to be true, accurate, complete and current.
I confirm that I have read the Notes to Apply for a Kwok Scholarship for the Undergraduate Study at the University of Oxford (“Notes to Apply”) including but not limited to the Personal Information Collection Statement. I acknowledge and agree that I will observe and abide by the terms and information set out in the Notes to Apply and the Association will only entertain my scholarship application on that basis.
I confirm the above
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