FAQs Oxford Undergraduate

Frequently Asked Questions: Kwok Scholarships for Undergraduate Study at the University of Oxford

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Undergraduate studies at the University of Oxford
Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford
History and Politics at the University of Oxford
Psychology (Experimental) at the University of Oxford
Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics at the University of Oxford

Below are some of the questions potential scholars ask about the Association:

Selection Criteria:
  • 1. How are Kwok Scholars selected?
    Kwok Scholarships are need based, candidates need to justify their financial circumstances that they should be awarded Kwok Scholarships. Kwok Scholarships are also merit based. The Association looks for candidates who are committed to improve the lives of others and have a vision to serve the community with his or her field of expertise.

Value of a Kwok Scholarship:
  • 2. What costs does an Oxford Kwok Scholarship cover?
    Kwok Scholarships are full funding scholarships. It covers full university course fees, a maintenance grant for living expenses and one return economy airfare.
  • 3. What does a Kwok Scholarship maintenance grant cover?
    Maintenance grants are determined based on the living costs recommended by the university. It covers food, accommodation, personal items, social activities and study costs.

  • 4. I already have an undergraduate degree, am I eligible to apply for a Kwok Scholarship?
    Yes, you can apply for a Kwok Scholarship for a second undergraduate programme.
  • 5. Can I apply for a Kwok Scholarship to study at a university other than the University of Oxford and Yale University?
    No, Kwok Scholarships are available for the relevant programmes at the University of Oxford and Yale University only.
  • 6. Can I apply for a Kwok Scholarship to study an undergraduate programme other than Philosophy, Politics and Economics?
    Yes, other than Philosophy, Politics and Economics, you can also apply for a Kwok Scholarship to pursue History and Politics, Psychology (Experimental) and Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics.

  • 7. Am I allowed to accept awards in conjunction with a Kwok Scholarship?
    No, a Kwok Scholarship will not normally be held concurrently with other scholarships.

  • 8. Do I need to translate my university transcripts, which are in Chinese, before I submit them?
    No, you do not need to translate your university transcripts.
  • 9. I am currently a student in the UK. Does it matter if I apply from the UK?
    It does not matter where you apply from.

  • 10. Who covers the cost of attending the interview?
    Candidates are expected to cover the full costs of attending the interview, including travelling and accommodation, where applicable.
  • 11. What documents do I need to take with me to my interview?
    Your CV.
  • 12. What is the dress code of the interview?
    Business casual.
  • 13. What should I expect of the interview?
    You will be individually interviewed by our Selection Committee comprised of 3 to 4 interviewers.
  • 14. What questions will I be asked at the interview?
    Some of the information you have provided will be discussed. The interviewers will ask questions to enable you to fully explain your motivation and inspiration to take the programme. Your career goal and intention to serve the community will also be discussed.
  • 15. Any tips for preparing for the interview?
    You may wish to be more familiar with the Kwok Scholarships by checking out our website and social media.

  • 16. My university is asking me to pay a deposit, what should I do?
    If you have been offered a Kwok Scholarship, you can provide your Kwok Scholarship offer letter to the university and ask for a waiver.

  • 17. What should I consider when indicating a preference for a college?
    You should research on the 36 colleges that have royal charter. Consider the location, state and cost of accommodation, food choice and meal costs, student support, grants and funding opportunity, academic facilities, sports facilities, welfare events and support, clubs and societies, as they vary among colleges.

  • 18. Who pays for my accommodation?
    Kwok Scholars are responsible for finding and paying their accommodation. Maintenance grant covers accommodation costs, you can pay your accommodation out of your maintenance grant.
  • 19. My college is asking me to live out, can you help?
    You are responsible for finding your accommodation. The Association recommends you to view the property before paying for it. If you experience financial hardship due to your college’s requirement of living out, you can apply to the Association for an hardship allowance.